Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Carb Binge

I'm very disappointed in myself today. I had:
1 bagel with cream cheese (DEATH!)
1 cranberry muffin (also death!)
1 bowl low cal jello
5 rice cakes
1 med mocha

So bad, I basically binged, I have no food in my apartment right now, and I always need a bit of healthy food around me to have good days. Otherwise I eat when I'm out during school at breaks, because my friends and I all walk to the coffee shops... damn the college being right downtown! No, it's good, because I walk everywhere, just the bakeries and things, they are so hard to be around! In the bakery right by my school the woman who owns it is ukranian or something I think, she has a strong accent, which is cute and kinda funny, and she's a sweet woman, but she is so fat! I would actually die if I was her size. Every time I go in with my friends and I see her it just reminds me why I'm not gorging on all the carbs in there. I can usually put aside my hunger, and sometimes even feel superior. In my classes, there are not many thin girls that I can think of right now. There is one girl who is a couple inches taller than me, and she is the only actually thin girl out of all of us I think. But she's one of those girls who is naturally just not fat, shes definatly not my definition of skinny! My best friend is smaller than me, but around the same bmi I think, she's just quite a bit shorter. She maybe has less love handles than me, I think that is the biggest difference. My goal is to be the thinnest girl in class, I will feel so superior when I am, because everyone is flabby and mediocre and imperfect. And I'm sorry to be mean, but it's true! Not like I would ever say that to any of the girls, they're all very nice. Just saying.

Oh, also, I exercised for about an hour tonight, which was good to burn some of those high cals from earlier, I didn't think I would have the time with homework, but I fit it in. Tomorrow no school, it's Remembrance Day, I have an essay to write, should keep me busy. Plus being at home means I can exercise whenever I want!

Stay in control~

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