Monday, November 2, 2009

I Have Already Learned To Hate

I feel okay, I'm not eating anything else tonight, I've decided that already. Usually if I can make that decision solid early in the evening, I do much better. I have had a total of 415 calories. Dinner was pickles and mustard, which btw is so good, you can put mustard on anything and it's really low calorie. Listening to Silverchair's "Learn To Hate", good song. I think I'm going to make a collage or something for my room with some of the lyrics on it.

Learn to hate.. learn to hate. Just that phrase. I learned to hate myself so long ago I don't remember a time when I didn't. Will I never be good enough for my own standards? I really don't think so sometimes. But just in case there is a chance at happiness, I pursue this battle. God someone save me from myself.

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